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How to learn Skate and Brake Downhill?

Publish Time: 2021-07-27     Origin: Site

Roller skating can provide you with legitimate health benefits; whether it's fitness or recreation. A higher heart rate, improved heart activity and enhanced muscle stretching come together to form a complete core workout for roller skating. It's no wonder that the thrill of roller skating attracts many new skaters to the sport each year. Despite the fun, mastering roller-skating skills may still require patience, practice and perseverance.

A challenging technique for many beginners is how to stop while roller skating downhill.

This passage is going to talk about the followings of fitness inline skate:

(1)   How to learn to brake downhill?

(2)   Rubber Brakes

(3)   Limit Braking


(1)  How to learn to brake downhill?

The good news is that inline skating has different braking mechanisms and braking techniques that apply to different situations. Once you have learned the basic stopping techniques, you can apply them to stopping while driving downhill.

One thing to remember is that the braking mechanisms used for different roller skates may vary in shape, position and design. In addition, there are special movements required to stop on inline skates and you will have to practice overtime to get your body to train naturally every time you need to stop. Ramps can increase the speed of your skates many times and there may never be an available emergency stop lane on the road. Therefore, your best bet for a safe stop is how well you know the technique.


(2)  Rubber Brakes

Rubber brakes can help you slow down and eventually stop on a steep downhill slide. To apply the brakes, you need to bend your knees, pull out the braking skates and pull back your back legs so that your feet are no more than shoulder width apart. Gently extend the knees and pop the toes of the brake skates to apply firm pressure on the brakes.

Resist leaning forward as it may reduce the power and efficiency of the brakes. Lower your body into a seated position while applying the brakes. Lowering the thrust may further help reduce weight. Once in a seated position, you will eventually stop.

This mechanism can help you regulate your speed on softer descents, but be sure to maintain a good safety distance. Never lower your head and keep your back straight. Do not lean forward. Keep your eyes on the road and hands forward. Apply gentle pressure to the brakes as you drive forward. Remember to extend your knees and reduce your weight by lowering your hips.

After a period of use, you may notice signs of wear on the rubber brakes. If so, it is time to replace the brakes with new ones. Wheels usually do not wear as fast as rubber brakes.


(3)  Limit Braking

This technique is commonly used by many skaters. Some people may prefer the V-stop. You may find this technique to be more effective than rubber braking. However, after a while, you may witness a certain percentage of skate wear. You can use this braking technique in any situation with even less space.

To apply the "T-stop" feature, you need to drag one foot backwards to keep the toes facing out and the skate wheel perpendicular to the direction of motion. Apply gentle downward pressure with your foot until you stop. When trying this technique for the first time, try a deep lunge position. Keep your shoulders in the direction of travel. Slide your skates left or right and then drag them to maneuver or compensate for the turning motion.

One thing you must focus on when using this method of braking is using your front foot to maintain good balance. The risk of falling is extremely low when the plan of action is successfully executed. The technique may take longer to be effective on wet surfaces. You can use it in corners, provided you can handle the balance skillfully with the front foot while grinding the edges.

When riding on steep hills, you may notice the need to lean hard on the stopping foot to limit speed or stop. This operation may result in wheel wear. When the ground is wet and the slope is steep; this technique may not be applied effectively.

You can effectively use the T-brake to slow down or maintain speed when descending a downhill or mid-slope. However, it is not the best choice when you do not want to descend a slope. In addition, this technique is a wheel eater and can quickly cause the edges of the skates to tilt.