• Which kind of skates are better for beginners?If you haven't seen the roller skating stars and viral sensations effortlessly skating around Berlin's skate parks, then honestly, you're missing out.The grace and ease of moonwalking, pirouetting and dancing will make anyone want to add a pair of funky
  • What roller skating could help with belly fat?Frequent aerobic exercise (such as roller skating or rollerblading) can help you burn stubborn fat on your abdomen. Rollerblading is an effective way to burn a lot of calories in a relatively short period of time, and skating is a quality exercise if you
  • What are features of a good quad roller skate?If this is your first time buying a pair of skates for yourself or a loved one, choosing the right skates can be daunting, and with so many options, it can be overwhelming.What are features of a good quad roller skate? Whether it's your first-time skatin
  • The latest skateboard trends - Is your complete skateboard obsolete? Skateboarding initially boomed in the 60s and 70s, and with it the development of skateboarding styles. However, it wasn't until the 1990s that skating transformed from a niche sport to a global phenomenon. By then, skating culture
  • How to verify the quality of a complete skateboard?A skateboard is fundamentally the sum of its parts. If you want a good complete skateboard, you will want each component to be of high quality.We will look at each part of the skateboard and discuss what quality means for that component. We will try